• 3189 S Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63118
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  • HOURS Thurs-Sat 11am - 6pm | Sunday 11am - 4pm
Calming Clay Mask
Sold Out

    Calming Clay Mask


      About the Product:

      This all-natural clay mask was formulated to cleanse your face. Hand-crafted by a Black woman-owned brand in St. Louis, MO. 

      Why its Important:

      Black-owned businesses represent only 1.3% of all U.S. sales. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Black-owned businesses are more likely to be negatively impacted. Shopping Black-owned brands is an important way to invest in the community.

      A loving skincare routine is a crucial part of any self-care routine. Care for your face with all-natural ingredients hand-blended with love. 

      How to use:

      Materials: Small non-metal bowl, non-metal mixing tool, fan mask brush, Apple Cider VInegar, Butter Love Calming Clay, noncomedogenic oil ( oil that does NOT clog your pores), Toner (ex. Witch Hazel)

      Step 1: Take A non-metal bowl (ex. glass, wood) and a non-metal mixing tool.

      Step 2: Pour the Calming Clay into the bowl. Take Apple Cider Vinegar or water( I love to use ACV!),

      Step 3: Whisk ingredients together using non-metal utensils until paste forms.

      Step 4: Apply the paste evenly on face with a fan brush and allow the mask to dry for about 20 mins.

      *If you have more sensitive skin, consider only leaving it on for 10-15 minutes.

      Step 5: Gently wash the mask off with lukewarm water with your hands in a circular motion.

      Step 6: After the mask is washed off completely. Follow up with a facial oil (noncomedogenic oil) of your choice and spray your face with a toner (Witch Hazel or Rose Water).

      *There may be a slight redness on your face that occurs but that is normal. It will disappear in 10-20 minutes.


      Bentonite Clay, Baking Soda, Vietnamese Cinnamon, Calendula Flowers, Chamomile, Tangerine Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil.